How To Deal With A Dental Emergency On Holiday

By |2018-12-14T11:43:07+01:00December 14th, 2018|Uncategorised|0 Comments

dental emergencyDental emergencies are always painful and inconvenient, but they can be even more stressful if they happen while you are away on holiday. Our guide to cop-ing with dental emergencies while you are on holiday can help you to deal with problems as quickly and effectively as possible, so that they don’t spoil your break.

Of course, there are many things you can do to reduce the risk of a dental emer-gency occurring while you are away, and these include regular check ups, eat-ing a healthy diet and avoiding the most common culprits for tooth damage, such as eating excess sugar, crunching ice and smoking.

It is also a good idea to talk to your dentist about your travel plans if you are likely to be away for a long period of time, to ensure that your teeth are in great shape before you set off and that you know where to seek help if you need it.

Dental Emergencies On Holiday:

Some dental emergencies can happen at any time, and it is important that you know what to do in each situation to minimise pain and stress and to increase your chances of good outcomes for your teeth. Here’s how to deal with the most common dental emergencies:

  1. Toothache.
    It is common to experience toothache while you are flying, as the air pressure can affect teeth that have tiny cavities or fillings. If tooth-ache does
    not subside after you land, you can try washing your mouth out with salted water, and some people swear by the healing effects of clove oil.

  2. Lost tooth.
    If you have an accident in which a tooth is knocked out, you will need to seek medical advice as soon as possible. In the meantime, you should rinse
    the tooth in warm water and replace it in the mouth, holding it in place by biting on a clean piece of fabric until you are able to see a dentist. Do not touch the root of
    the tooth at any time. If it is not pos-sible to replace the tooth in the mouth, you should store it in milk or salted water, in a clean container, and see a dentist as soon
    as you can. Teeth that are replaced in the socket within an hour of being knocked out have the best chance of recovery, so acting quickly is very important in this sit-uation.

  3. Damaged or lost filling or crown.
    If you experience damage to or loss of a filling or crown, you are likely to be in pain and should see a dentist when possible.
    You may be able to temporarily cover the problem area with a dental cement, but you should discuss this with a pharmacist and priori-tise seeking dental advice from a
    professional dentist to avoid further damage

  4. Damaged braces.
    If your braces have been damaged in an accident or you experience problems with them while you are on holiday, you may be able to use over the
    counter products to temporarily resolve the problem. You should seek advice from a local dentist if you are in any pain or think further damage could be caused by waiting
    until you return home.

Visit Your Dentist In Ballincollig

If you’re looking for a family friendly dental practice in Cork, visit us at Guiney Dental Clinic. Our professional team can help you to look after your teeth and advise you on how to prevent dental emergencies in the future. To make an appointment, call the Guiney Dental Practice today on 021-481 0535.